Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Hotel or motel layout and safety requirements?

I was wondering if there are certain requirements that a hotel/motel must ensure when building a new site. Something like the room has to have so many electrical outlets, the toilet must be so may inches/feet from the tub, etc. I know hotels must have a hardwired smoke detector and an automatic sprinkler system for a certain amount of floors, but I am wondering about the overall layout.

....and I am not asking about recommendations for a hotel, but actual requirements. Something similar to OSHA.

The best place to look for these would be in the city codes. Every city, believe it or not, requires something different. You can call a city planner's office and have them fax over the requirements to you. Also think about food requirements as well. Most hotels are inspected by the health department too. And, if the hotel you're interested in has a pool, there is also a pool/spa permit that the hotel must carry.

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