Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Is it customary to tip the maid at a motel?

I frequently stay in motels (cheap ones, like Motel 6). My parents taught me to leave a dollar or two as a tip for the maid when I leave ($1 or $2 for each night, leaving it all at once when I leave). However, no one else I've asked has ever done this. Am I wasting my money, or am I supposed to leave a small tip?

Leave a tip. Brighten their day. Help someone believe in the goodness of humanity. Remember, cheaper motels are paying the help less and having them work harder.

We usually stay in hotels and we always tip the housekeeping staff. I can't imagine that cleaning up after people in a hotel is any different than cleaning up after people in a motel.

i have never tipped a maid cash. i have never thought to do so since they make decent money and sometimes the rooms arent that clean.

Yes, you should leave a tip, but do it each day in an envelope that says "For the maid." The person who cleans your room on the last day of your stay may not be the same person that cleaned it on the first day of your stay, and you'll want to make sure that the correct person gets the tip!


yes at least 50p


If you get good service, yes you leave a tip, generally 1-5 dollars per night. The cleaning staff don't make alot of money, usually minimum wage. You also might write a small note at the end of your stay , thanking them for everything they've done for you. Just because it is not a fancy smanchy hotel, doesn't mean you get to be a cheapskate. Your parents raised you well, continue leaving a tip. As to your friends, well it's how they were raised not you.

I think leaving a small tip is a great thing to do. Normally I do when outside of the country and where wages are very low. If your one of those peeps that leave a mess or party mess, then tipping is a yes!! Otherwise, just put yourself in his/her shoes and think of how it would make your day if a few left a tip for you.

Anyone who works hard and makes your experience better deserves a pat on the back, thanks, or a tip.


It's a nice gesture. I do it daily though - the same staff doesn't work every day.


I leave $5 usually

If you wan but I would not do it.. No one tips me at work so why should I???

we always do ... and if we're staying more than one night, I tip each night, just in case I've had two different maids. They don't make much money, and have to clean up after some TOTAL slobs, so I feel they deserve it.

Its not wasting your money. I doubt that the housekeeping gets paid much, so tips are great. Ive heard that you are supposed to do it, but like you, most everyone i know doesnt do it. If you want to, then definitely DO.

you can. Its all up to you. Maids make minimum wage, but they also have to make up and clean at least 6 rooms an hour. So thats a lot of running. I would only do it if its severly dirty. Trust me Maids love it when they get tips.

It is nice to leave tip the the hotel maids. I all ways leave few dollars. I don't think they make a lot of money.

My husband and I generally tip $2-5/day when we stay at a hotel, more if for some reason the level of service we needed was higher.

I know that a lot of people don't tip, but I'm not responsible for a lot of people. I'm responsible for me, and I tip.

No, you're supposed to leave a small tip whenever you stay somewhere.

Leave a tip. They don't make much money, and have to do some hard labor, changing your bed sheets, towels, cleaning up, etc etc. I'm sure they must get tired after doing that for a whole day. It's always better to be generous than to be stingy.

um it is nice i am sure the maid appreciates it but I would only do it at more high class hotels.

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