No special place to get loans for business. A loan is a loan is a loan, meaning bank, family/friends/investors or your own pocket.
Local chapters of SBA and SCORE can help you, but they will lead you to the same place, a bank. Best is to talk to the loan dept or bank manager of the bank you already do business with. Best to have an account with them for awhile as well in good standings.
Search for "commercial broker" in Montana to find businesses for sale.
why not team up with an already proven track record? They already paid the start up and just share the revenue with you . It is really that easy call me No MLMs or selling anything . just good hearted people helping others reach potential check it out or get together on the phone for all the details . So simple its amazing . Maureen
Check with your local SCORE office for reliable advice. Also, and will have lots of information.
Good luck.
It is usually better if you know exactly what you are going to buy and then start the loan process.
No use actually for trying to find out who will be willing to loan money to something you might be interested in. Specifics mate. 'I want to buy Motel W/MT for the price of $450k' for an example, then we can guide you to the next step - business plan for the loan - how are you going to pay it back?
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